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Live Apps – Business Process Management Web Application

TIBCO Cloud Live Apps is a sophisticated, cloud-based application that allows client teams to build ‘apps’ that model and automate their organisation’s business processes. It is a no-code solution aimed at semi-technical staff, yet intuitive enough for non-technical users to learn. The application has a…

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Pure Card – User Centred Design, UI Design

Grass Roots’ Pure Card platform was dated and dysfunctional. An improvement project led by the card product team had stalled over the summer. However, the product was identified as having potential for major growth in the short and medium term. My inquiries with the Managing…

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MINI Used Approved Cars Survey

MINI Used Approved Cars Survey

MINI has updated their brand and wanted us to update our survey accordingly. Of course this needs to be viewable across devices, so this is a responsive design. Although it is a very exacting brand – eg. exact font sizes and exact protected space around…

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Table Table Mobile Optimised Celebrations Email Design

Table Table Mobile Optimised Celebrations Email Design

I brought the celebrations email template for Whitbread’s Table Table Tasty Rewards program up to date and made it mobile optimised at the same time.

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